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California Scientific

California Scientific
1000 SW Powell Ct
Oak Grove, MO 64075

Motorcycle Info and Accessories

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power connector plate power connector plate
Power Connector Plate from the Electrical Connection $45. Six individually fused outputs. Unfortunately, it does not use mini-fuses, so you'll have to carry two types of spares. The entire unit is rated for 30 amps. The Plate is relay controlled - it turns all accessories on and off with the ignition. The main power into the relay is fused for additional protection. There's a connection to allow you to hook up a battery charger / tender. Shown mounted on ST1300 above.

fuse block
Marine Fuse Block and Ground Bus from Overtons $17. Six individually fused outputs. Unfortunately, it does not use mini-fuses, so you'll have to carry two types of spares. The entire unit is rated for 30 amps.

Switches & Connectors

Handlebar mount switch
Handlebar mount switch $20

Powerlet power outlet
Powerlet power outlet. BMW style power outlet, mounts in your right fairing panel. $38. Connects directly to battery.

Hidden hitches
Hidden hitches 4 pin trailer connector. $6/pr

trailer connector
Standard 4-pin SAE trailer connector. Available at any auto parts store, about $2.


battery tender battery tender
Battery Tender Junior / Plus $21 / $34. Full automatic two-stage lead acid battery charger. Lightweight, compact size. Trickle charger with a brain assures batteries are maintained after charging. Ideal for all lead-acid, sealed maintenance free and gel cell batteries. After full 14.4 VDC charge is reached, converts to float charger and monitors battery at 13.2 volts. When voltage drops below 12.6 VDC, charger resumes charging back to 14.4 VDC. Two-color LED indicator. Spark-proof; reverse polarity protected. 12' output cord and quick-connect harness. Battery Tender(R) Jr. comes with a set of quick disconnect clamps and rings.


FIAMM Freeway Blaster horns installation. One high tone and one low tone rated at 132 dB each. $15 each at Autozone or Pep Boys. Good for changing little old ladies' hair color from blue to white, or doing the solo part of Gershwin's American in Paris. The upper horn is mounted to the stem included in the kit, and then hose clamped to the fairing support. The lower horn is mounted to the stem included in the kit and then attached at the OEM mounting location, but outboard of the original location so that the fairing fits. The horns are connected in parallel, no relay, just the OEM horn switch. Idea and pictures by Scott Roeder.